JROS at the JK
On Days 2 & 3 JROS will have a tent in the assembly area. Also JROS will be organising a JK Easter egg raffle.
If you want to know more about JROS and what the organisation achieves, then please visit the JROS tent in the Assembly area on Days 2 and 3 of JK2019. You will be able to see a range of photos taken at the 2018 camps and view videos made at the Lagganlia camp. You will also be able to ask questions of members of JROS about our activities.
The Easter Egg raffle will again be taking place. Buy your tickets either at the JROS tent or from juniors in the assembly area. This has been hugely popular in previous years and once again JROS is indebted to Tom and Julie of ‘Tom’s Catering’ for donating these prizes. The draw will take place on day 3 before the main prize-giving.