Committee Role Descriptions
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- Committee Role Descriptions
What is expected for each of the roles on the SEOA committee.
Role Descriptions
SEOA Chairman
- Chair Committee meetings
- Ensure officers carry out their duties, including reporting to Committee meetings
- Replace officers who resign without arranging their own replacements
- Represent SEOA in discussions with BOF where appropriate
- Keep oversight of major events
SEOA Secretary
- Maintain database of SEOA club Secretaries for transmission of messages etc from BOF.
- Forward anything relevant to clubs.
- Supervise the website, and ensure that it is kept up to date.
- Maintain the SEOA Procedure Manual.
- Record discussions and decisions made at SEOA Committee meetings and at AGM/EGM
- Circulate Agendas of Committee meeting and AGM/EGM to Committee members
- Circulate minutes and relevant papers of Committee meetings and AGM/EGM to Committee members
- Agree and publicise meeting venues and timings
- Arrange for notice of AGM/EGM to be circulated to clubs.
- Arrange for notice of AGM/EGM to be on SEOA website
- Arrange for minutes and relevant papers to be on website
SEOA Treasurer
- Collect income due to SEOA including: liaise with BO to collect individual membership fees; liaise with club treasurers to collect affiliation fees and levies on National and SE League events registered through SEOA
- Pay out expenses properly incurred including: SE Junior Squad costs; grants for juniors and continuing personal development; officer expenses; subscription to the English Orienteering Council; costs of medals and certificates for SE championships and league.
- Work with the officials of major events held under the aegis of SEOA rather than individual clubs (e.g. BOC, JK, etc.) to produce event budgets and administer income and expenditure
- Produce accounts for the AGM in June in collaboration with the club auditor: recommend to the AGM the level of membership and affiliation fees, and the rate of the SEOA levy, for the coming year
- Produce interim accounts for committee meetings
- To oversee SEOA’s banking and investment arrangements, reporting to the committee and AGM
SEOA Membership Secretary
- Analyse numbers and produce a report for Committee meetings
- Produce AGM report
- Liaise with Treasurer regarding membership
- Advise club membership secretaries on membership issues
- Receive monthly membership report from BOF
- Answer BOF queries regarding SEOA membership
SEOA Fixtures Secretary
- SEOA representative on BOF Fixtures Group Committee
- Member of SEOA committee
- Responsible for co-ordinating SE club fixtures with National Fixtures.
- Responsible for processing registration forms for SE fixtures, club training and coaching activities, RDO activities, SE Junior Squad activities, etc.
- Maintaining SEOA fixture planner.
- Maintaining copy of BOF Fixtures database (updated bi-weekly). Production and circulation of useful fixtures lists and other reports from it, including provision of information for SE website and answerphone. Can also produce report of Event Officials activities.
- Attendance at quarterly SEOA committee meetings.
- Attendance at annual SE AGM, and preparation of annual report and statistics.
- Attendance at biannual National Fixtures Group meetings (usually in Birmingham)
- Arranging SEOA biannual fixtures meetings.
- Maintaining contact list of SE clubs Fixtures Secretaries.
- Co-ordination and submission of SE registration forms and documentation for major events put on for BOF (JK, BOC, etc.), also International events occasionally, e.g. World Cup, 6 Nations, etc.
- Ensuring that SE put on various British events, usually on a 9 or 10 year roster basis. Also National events, typically one per year. (British Champs, British Elite Champs – Long, Middle and Sprint, British Night Champs, JK, Harvester, CompassSport Cup Final, Home Internationals – Junior, Senior and Veteran, Junior Inter-regional Champs, Future Champions Cup, Junior Team Relay (Peter Palmer), Yvette Baker Trophy, British Schools orienteering Champs and Score Champs)
- Liaison with SC and SW for selection of suitable events for Southern Champs and Southern Night Champs
- Liaison with adjacent regions (and SW) to ensure Regional events, and certain District events, do not clash unacceptably.
- Ensure provision of sufficient events for South East League, South East Night League (SENiLe) and Frolics.
- Co-ordinate provision of regions annual major events, SE Relays, SE Score Champs, and CompassSport Cup/Trophy rounds. Also Yvette Baker Trophy heats. Maintain informal roster of which club hosts events.
- Liaison with Ashdown Forest Conservators (with assistance of co-opted person) to ensure that ‘allowance’ of one Regional and one District event is used each year, and maintain informal roster.
- Distribution of documents from National Fixtures Group and BOF to club Fixtures Secs. e.g. Minutes, lists of event codes, annual insurance certificate, etc.
- Communication with all concerned, almost entirely by email, approximately 1200 - 1500 per annum.
- Submission of expenses.
- Maintenance of Job Specification.
SEOA Junior Training Officer
- Organise and plan regular coaching sessions for the South East Junior squad
- Liaise with clubs in order to get permission and maps for coaching sessions
- Advise Juniors about their individual training programmes
- Maintain accounts of each training session and submit to SEOA Treasurer
- Liaise with SE clubs regarding recruiting new members to SEJS
- Advise SEOA Treasurer with regard to grants to squad members
- Organise necessary equipment hire for use by squad.
- Submit reports to Selectors regarding squad members
- Recruit and organise sufficient coaches to help with squad training
- Help squad members to find personal coaches as required.
- Report to SEOA committee
Related to Governance
- Committee Role Descriptions (this page)
- Past Officials
- Meeting Minutes
- Constitution
- Expenses
- SEOA Fees
- Grants Available